
Meet Joel Garceau, Former YNPN Pittsburgh Board President & Licensed Real Estate Agent

What’s your favorite thing about YNPN Pittsburgh?

My favorite thing about YNPN Pittsburgh is the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way with other emerging nonprofit professionals.  Our network is one that brings together people with a shared value in service to others. I can’t count how many amazing, interesting, and passionate people I’ve been lucky enough to get to know and serve alongside through YNPN Pittsburgh.  By bringing emerging leaders together we’re able to advance the interests of the nonprofit sector in Pittsburgh as well as support each other’s continued growth.  

What’s your advice for young nonprofit professionals?

My advice for young nonprofit professionals would be to get out there and connect with people.  Ask to talk with people you find interesting or inspiring and always enter into networking opportunities looking for ways that you can add value and help out others without expecting anything in return.  By being your authentic self and putting your best face/foot forward you’ll demonstrate your continued dedication to service and open countless doors that you could never expect or plan on.